
글로벌 링크

Function of council

홈으로 외국어 안내
(For Foreigners)
영어 English Function of council
  • Functions of the council
    Functions of the council

    The functions of the council include representing citizens, legislative functions, and checking and monitoring administrative agencies The true function of the council begins with the participation of citizens.
    The true function of the council begins with the participation of citizens.

    Representing residents

    • Function of a representative institute for residents
    • Function of ultimately determining the specific policies of local governments

    Legislative function

    • A unique function of the council
    • An institution that deliberates on the enactment, revision and abolition of ordinances, or self-governing laws.

    Function of checking and monitoring administrative agencies

    • Function of critically monitoring the specific administrative processing of the executive/financial system
    • Function of ultimately determining the specific policies of local governments
  • Rights of the council
    Rights of the council

    The rights of the council are categorized into four major parts.
    It exercises voting rights, administrative monitoring rights, petition acceptance rights, and autonomy rights.

    Voting rights

    • These are some of the most important rights of the local council.
    • Enactment of ordinances, opening and closing, budget review, approval of final settlements
    • Establishment and operation of funds, acquisition and disposition of important assets
    • Installation, management and disposal of public facilities
    • Other matters stipulated by laws and ordinances

    Administrative monitoring rights

    • Audits and investigations may be conducted on the affairs of the relevant local government.
    • When needed, local confirmation, submission of documents, attendance of relevant public officials, and testimony or statement of opinion may be requested.
    • Administrative affairs audit : General inspection of the city administration within 9 days during the annual regular meeting
    • Administrative affairs investigation : Investigation of specific issues according to resolutions of the plenary session

    Petition acceptance rights

    • Local councils may examine petitions from residents.
    • Petitions will not be accepted if the content interferes with a trial or violates laws or regulations.

    Autonomy rights

    • Councils have the right to autonomously decide on opinions and internal matters to the extent that it does not conflict with laws or ordinances.
    • Convoking, opening, adjourning, and deciding session of special meetings
    • The right to make rules regarding physicians and internal discipline
    • Electing a chairman and voting rights for non-confidence votes
    • Rights regarding status, such as disciplinary action for lawmakers
    • Composition of committees and the right to propose agendas
  • Session/Convocation

    The number of meeting days during which the council can legally meet is 100 days per year, of which the regular meeting is held twice a year and special meetings are convened from irregularly when there is a request from the head of a local government or at least one-third of the members of the local government.


    Local council

    The council is not active throughout the year, but only for a certain period of time, and the act of gathering in a certain place to exercise the unique function of the council is called an assembly. Sessions are decided by a resolution of the council, and regular meetings are held twice a year. In the case of special meetings, if there is a request from the head of a local government or at least one-third of the members of the local government, the head of the council shall convene a meeting within 15 days from the date of the request, and when there is a special meeting, the chairman must announce the assembly three days before the date of the assembly and notify all members of the council that the assembly will be held.

    The assembly is held only through the public announcement procedure without any special assembly request. In this way, the legislative activity of the council starts at the same time as the assembly, and the period during which such legislative activity can be performed is called a session.

    Regular meetings

    The assembly is held with only a public announcement procedure, and no special assembly request. In this way, the legislative activity of the council starts at the same time as the assembly, and the period during which such legislative activity can be performed is called a session.

    Number of meeting days

    up both regular and special sessions. However, when there are unavoidable reasons for holding an assembly even though it exceeds the total number of days for annual meetings, the limit may be extended within 20 days by a resolution of the plenary session after consultation with the Council Governing Committee.

    Assembly date

    The assembly dates for the regular meetings according to the Anyang City Ordinance on Session and Operation, etc., are as follows. However, if the assembly date is a public holiday, the assembly is held on the next normal working day for public offices.

    1st Regular meeting

    Assembles annually on June 10th. However, in years in which the general election for local congressmen is held, it may be separately scheduled during September or October through a resolution of the plenary session.

    2nd Regular meeting

    Assembles annually on November 20th.


    Plenary council
    • The final decision-making body of the council.
      Before the start of the meeting, the agenda for the day, in which the date and time of the meeting, the agenda and the order of the meeting are written, and materials related to the agenda are distributed to the seats in advance. The meeting begins when at least one-third of the members, the quorum for decisions, are present.
    • On the first day of the assembly, when the session begins, an opening ceremony is held before the opening of the plenary session, and it is usually attended by the mayor and other executive officers .
    • When the session is declared open at the end of the opening ceremony, the members must first report matters that need to be known for the meeting, such as the submission of proposals for bills or the submission of examination reports, and then the agenda items are proposed and processed in the order listed in the agenda. On the first day of the assembly, relatively simple matters such as the opening ceremony, the decision of the session and the election of members to sign the minutes are customarily handled.
    • In the plenary session, the agenda handling procedure is examined, and after a proposal is put forward, it is followed by the proposer's explanation of the proposal or the review report of the pre-examination committee. Then, a decision is made through a vote after a Q&A discussion and debate. If there are any questions, the chairman of the committee that reviewed the agenda or the member who reported the review provides a supplementary explanation, and during the explanation of the proposal, the proposer or the member who explained the proposal responds. The debate proceeds in the order of opposition and support, and when the debate is over, a vote is declared to conclude the debate.
    • This is the final stage of agenda deliberation the pros and cons of the voted agenda are to determined. Methods include electronic voting, unanimity, standing, anonymity, and write-in voting. If there is any objection, most general agenda items are handled by a standing vote, and in the absence of questions or debate, the unanimous method of no objection is adopted. In addition, when a resolution regarding the voting method is made at the plenary session through a proposal of the chairman or with the consent of a member of the council, the resolution may be carried out using that method.
    • Except for specific matters, voting on general agenda items is decided with the attendance of a majority of registered members and the approval of a majority of the members present, and the chairman also has the right to vote. If the result of the vote is a tie, it is deemed to have been rejected. When the agenda for the day has been completed, the date and time of the next meeting is announced and an adjournment is declared.
  • Agenda handling procedure

    Agenda handling procedure

    • Submit or propose and initiate the agenda
      • Must be submitted by the head of the local government
      • Committee proposals
      • Initiation by joint writing of one-fifth or more of the registered members or five or more of the council member
    • Submission
      • - Check of requirements
        • Requirement of bill form
        • Signature of approver, etc.
    • Assignment of a bill number
      • Assignment of a serial number to each class, regardless of the type of bill
    • Report to the chairman
      • - Decided by the competent standing committee
        • Decided by the competent standing committee
        • Decided by the jurisdiction of each standing committee as stipulated in the ordinance
    • Distribution of bills and report to the plenary session
      • One copy of the submitted bills distributed to every member of the council
      • Reported without delay while the plenary session is open, and if it is paused or closed, referred to the committee first and reported on the first day the plenary session is open.
    • Referred to the standing committee
      • Referred to the competent committee
    • Standing committee review
      • Committee report
      • Introduction of the agenda
      • Explanation of suggestions
      • Review of report questions and answers
      • Debate on pros and cons
      • Article by article examination
      • Collection of opinions of local governments
      • Decision-making (voting)
    • Committee review results report
      • Report of the committee's review results to the chairman via an official letter
    • Deliberation of the plenary session
      • Introduction of the agenda
      • Report on the committee review results (competent committee chairman or member)
      • Questions
      • Debate
      • Decision (voting)
    • Transfer to the head of the local government
      • Budget bill: within 3 days
      • Ordinance bill: within 5 days
      • Transfer other bills as fast as possible
    • Proclamation by the heads of local governments
      • Proclamation by the head of the local government within 20 days of being transferred
      • If it is not proclaimed within 20 days, the chairman proclaims it.
    • Reception of proclamation notice (council)
      • Requests for reconsideration

        (In the case of an ordinance bill)

        • When the head of a local government has an objection to the ordinance bill, he/she must request a reconsideration with reasons within 20 days from receiving the transfer.
      • Reception
      • Handling of the plenary session
        • Introduction of the agenda (within 10 days, excluding holidays and closures, unless there is an unavoidable reason)
        • Collection of reasons for rejection from local governments
        • Questions, discussion, and decision-making (voting)
      • Local governments
        Transfer to the chairman
        • When the head of a local government has an objection to the ordinance bill, he/she requests a reconsideration with reasons within 20 days from receiving the transfer
      • Appeal to the Supreme Court
        • When the head of a local government determines that the re-resolved agenda violates laws or regulations, he/she can file a complaint with the Supreme Court within 20 days from the date of re-resolution.
    • Proclamation by the heads of local governments
      • Proclamation by the head of the group within five days of being transferred
      • If it is not proclaimed within five days, the chairman proclaims it.
  • Administrative affairs audit
    • Administrative affairs audit

      Administrative affairs audit

      • Time of audit decided upon
        • Session just before the 2nd regular meeting
      • Approval by the plenary session of the audited institution
        • Audit period, target institution
        • Audit data requirements, etc.
      • Transfer of the audit plan
        • Executive department
      • Execution of administrative affairs audits (by the standing committee)
        • Declaration of appreciation and greetings
        • Oaths of witnesses (head of organization, etc.)
        • Introduction of the head of the agency and executives
        • Report and Q&A
        • Comment audit results and declaration of the end of the audit
      • Preparation and submission of the administrative affairs audit results report
        (Submitted to the chairman of each standing committee)
        • Purpose of the audit
        • Auditing organization
        • Audit details
        • Audit results and handling opinions
        • Other audit opinions and special notes
        • Major evidentiary documents, etc.
      • Administrative affairs audit results processed by the plenary session
        (adoption of correction and treatment requirements)
      • Transfer to the executive department
      • Report of corrections and processing results
        (Report to the council by the city and relevant institution)
      • Committees notified of corrections and treatment progress
    • Administrative affairs investigation

      Administrative affairs investigation

      • Proposal for an investigation (requires at least one-third of the total number of members)
        • The plenary session decides whether to conduct an administrative investigation.
      • Decision of the investigation committee (plenary session)
        • competent standing committee or special committee
      • Preparation of an investigation plan (committee to investigate)
      • Approval of the investigation plan (plenary meeting)
        • Transfer of the investigation plan to the executive department
      • Selection of an investigation office assistant and preparation for a business trip
      • Submission of report documents and request for the attendance of witnesses
        Delivery of local confirmation (in the case of the chairman, arrival three days in advance)
      • Administrative affairs investigation
        • Opening remarks and greetings
        • Oaths of witnesses
        • Introduction of the head of the agency and executives
        • Report
        • Q&A (questioning)
        • Criticism and proclamation of adjournment
      • Preparation and submission of investigation results report
        (submit to the chairman)
      • Handling of investigation results by the plenary session
        (adoption of correction and treatment requirements)
        • Session just before the 2nd regular meeting
      • Transfer of corrections and processing requirements
        (adoption of correction and treatment requirements)
        • Transfer to the executive department
      • Report of the results of corrections and processing requests
        • The executive department reports to the council
      • Refer to the results handling committee
        • In the case that the standing committee investigates
  • Budget/Settlements


    • Delivery of budgeting guidelines
      (July 31 of the previous year)
      • Ministry of Public Administration and Security
    • 1. Submission (40 days before the start of the fiscal year)
      • Head of local government (mayor)
    • 2. Refer to the standing committee (official notice)
      • Chairman → standing committee chairman
    • 3. Report to the plenary session
      • Secretary general or leader of the proceedings team
    • 4. Explanation of the budget proposal (plenary session)
      • Described by the heads of local governments
    • 5. Appointment/examination/decision by the standing committee
      • Preliminary examination by each competent committee
    • 6. Preliminary examination by each competent committee
      • Chairman of each standing committee
    • 7. 7. Referral to the Budget and Settlement Special Committee and
      • Chairman → chairman of the Budget and Settlement Special Committee
    • 8. Comprehensive review report by the chairman of the Budget and Settlement Special Committee
      • Chairman of the Budget and Settlement Special Committee
    • 9. Proposal/deliberation/decision at the plenary session
      (Budget proposal: 10 days before the start of the fiscal year)
      * The settlement of accounts occurs in the session of the first regular meeting.
      • The approval of the head of the local government is required before a resolution that increases the budget or a new article is introduced.
    • 10. Transfer to the head of a local government
      • Transfer within three days from the date of decision
    • 11. Notice (open to the public)
      • Report to the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (Budget proposal without delay, settlement within five days)

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